Intercom Integration

Everything you need to know about Intercom integration in UserGuiding.

Gabriel avatar
Written by Gabriel
Updated over a week ago


The Intercom integration allows you to see which users are engaging with your guides and whether they were able to complete them or not. 

Also, you can see which users have reacted to your Promoter Survey along with the score and feedback.

You can filter and segment end-users based on their Promoter Survey response to automate your Intercom emails and messages. 

Important Note: To integrate successfully, you should be using Intercom actively.

How To Enable Intercom Integration

You can enable this integration using the toggle within the Integrations Tab under the Settings Section.

How To Display Events on Intercom

Once the feature is enabled, you can visit a user's Intercom page within the Contacts.

When you arrive at a specific user's page, review the Recent Events on the right side of the page. Here, you'll be able to see the user's recent experience with your onboarding content.

Click on Load more, and continue to load more events until you see an event name with UserGuiding.

User Events of Guides

Guide started (userguiding) 

It means that a user previews the first step of a Guide. To see the Guide information, click on the angle bracket on the right side. 

You'll be able to see the guide's ID, name, and URL of the page on which the user has seen the Guide.

Guide completed (userguiding) 

It means that the user has completed all steps of a Guide. To see the Guide information, click on the angle bracket on the right side.

You'll be able to see the guide's ID, name, and URL of the page on which the user has seen the Guide.

This way, you can be sure that your users are utilizing the support and guidance you've provided them. They're engaging with your product through the well-designed experience with UserGuiding.

User Events of Hotspots

Hotspot interacted (userguiding)

It means that the user interacted with a Hotspot group and saw a Hotspot as content. (remember, Hotspot groups can have multiple Hotspots as contents).

To see which Hotspot is from which group, click on the hotspot interacted (userguiding) inside recent events.

You'll see the Hotspot group ID, interacted Hotspot's ID, the name of the Hotspot group, and the URL of the page on which the user interacted with the Hotspot.

hotspotTitle is the extracted Hotspot title from Hotspot content.

User Events of Checklists

Checklist item trigger (userguiding)

It means that the user triggers a Checklist Guide. For the Guide information, click on the checklist item triggered (userguiding) inside recent events.

You'll see the Checklist's name / ID, Guide name / ID, and the URL of the page on which the user has triggered the Guide from the Checklist.

Checklist item url click (userguiding)

It means that the user clicks a URL item on a Checklist. For the clicked URL, click on the checklist item url click (userguiding) inside recent events.

You'll see the Checklist's name / ID, URL of the item, and the URL of the page on which the user has clicked on the item in the Checklist.

Checklist completed (userguiding)

It means that the user completed a Checklist. For the checklist name, click on the checklist completed (userguiding) inside recent events.

You'll see the Checklist's name / ID, and the URL of the page on which the user has completed the Checklist.

User Events of Resource Center

Resource center guide trigger (userguiding)

It means that the user triggered a Resource Center Guide. To see the Guide information, click on the resource center guide triggered (userguiding) inside recent events.

You'll see the Resource Center's name / ID, Guide name / ID, and the URL of the page on which the user has triggered the guide from the Resource Center.

Resource center checklist guide trigger (userguiding)

It means that a Guide in a Checklist put in a Resource Center as a module is triggered by a user. To see the Guide information, click on the resource center checklist guide triggered (userguiding) inside recent events.

You'll see the Resource Center's name / ID, Checklist's name / ID, Guide name / ID, and the URL of the page on which the user has triggered the guide from the Checklist within the Resource Center.

Resource center checklist item url click (userguiding)

It means that a URL item in a Checklist put in a Resource Center as a module is clicked by a user. To see the item information, click on the resource center checklist item url click (userguiding) inside recent events.

You'll see the Resource Center's name / ID, Checklist's name / ID, Item URL, and the URL of the page on which the user has clicked the item from the Checklist within the Resource Center.

Resource center external URL click (userguiding)

It means that a user clicks an external URL in a Resource Center. To see which external URL is clicked from which Resource Center, click on the resource center external url clicked (userguiding) inside recent events.

You'll see the Resource Center's name / ID, external URL, and the URL of the page on which the user has clicked on the external URL within the Resource Center.

Resource center article link click (userguiding)

It means that a user clicks a search article in a Resource Center. To see which search article is clicked from which Research Center, click on the resource center article link clicked (userguiding) inside recent events.

You'll see the Resource Center's name / ID, article link, and the URL of the page on which the user has clicked on the article link within the Resource Center.

Resource center survey trigger (userguiding)

surveyId: 1,
surveyName: "Survey Name",
resourceCenterId: 1,
resourceCenterName: "Resource Center Name",
pageUrl: "",

User Events of Surveys

When you look at the Recent Events on the right side of a user's page in Intercom, you'll be able to see the details of their interaction with the Surveys of UserGuiding.

Survey Shown

"survey shown (userguiding)",
surveyId: 1,
surveyName: "Survey Name",
pageUrl: ""

Survey Question Answer (score)

"survey question answer (userguiding)",
surveyId: 1,
surveyName: "Survey Name",
questionId: "f4411b5d-7544-477a-b605-5c8622cb5c8b",
questionType: "Star Rating" | "Number Rating (5)" | "Number Rating (10)" | "NPS Rating",
surveyQuestion: "How likely are you to recommend this product to a friend or colleague?",
score: 5,
pageUrl: "",

Survey Question Answer (emojiScore)

"survey question answer (userguiding)",
surveyId: 1,
surveyName: "Survey Name",
questionId: "d82cf468-6dae-4813-a3e2-1ba740254aa1",
questionType: "Emoji Rating" | "Thumbs Up/Down",
surveyQuestion: "How would you describe your experience with our product using emojis?",
emojiScore: "Positive" | "Neutral" | "Negative",
pageUrl: "",

Survey Question Answer (choices)

"survey question answer (userguiding)",
surveyId: 1,
surveyName: "Survey Name",
questionId: "23300f80-4002-461e-b179-559094c82496",
questionType: "Multiple Choice",
surveyQuestion: "Which of the following options best describes your role?",
choices: "Choice 1,Choice 2",
pageUrl: "",

Survey Question Answer (feedback)

"survey question answer (userguiding)",
surveyId: 1,
surveyName: "Survey Name",
questionId: "81d6c621-d74c-4590-b35e-9d5abc3c49d5",
questionType: "Written Feedback",
surveyQuestion: "Please provide any comments or feedback regarding your experience with our service.",
feedback: "User's feedback",
pageUrl: "",

Automating Intercom Emails and Messages based on your Survey Score

First of all, when you want to filter your users in Intercom according to the score they've given you, you can use nps_score_userguiding as the filter.

In the example below, we wanted to get the list of users who've given us an NPS score greater than 7.

Creating a User Audience for Intercom Messages and Emails

When you create an email or in-app message on Intercom, you often make a decision on who will receive it. By adding rules, you design your audience.

Now, you can +Add rules based on the NPS scores given by your users and various conditions of the Intercom.

In the below example, our email audience is made up of users who've given us an NPS score greater than 7.

In any use case, you can detect which users have given you an NPS score lower or higher than a certain value and gain insight into users' opinions on your product and service.

Accordingly, then, you can take necessary measures through intelligent communication with Intercom messages and emails.

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