Avoid overwhelming your users

Explain friction points and key concepts unique to your product.

Gabriel avatar
Written by Gabriel
Updated over a week ago

It is not always easy to learn a new product. Try remembering some of your first-time experiences. If not, you might overestimate how much your users know about your product and how to use it.

This can lead you to create long, very detailed tours lacking critical contexts that actually make the experience valuable.

You already know how important it is to define an objective for a product tour and how these goals feed a user's Aha moment.

Do you also know what is currently stopping a user from reaching that?

  • If they don't know what they will gain, tell them what that is at the first step.

  • If they believe that it's not worth the effort - show them they'll be there in 3 or 4 steps.

  • If they don't know what they should do next - explain the specific concepts of your product to encourage their desire to explore more.

Tip: Ensure you set the expected time or the number of steps early on. To show the number of steps and progress bar in a guide, activate the Step Progress Indicator.

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