Guide length and completion rates

Guides that are too long have lower completion rate.

Gabriel avatar
Written by Gabriel
Updated over a week ago


While creating a Guide, you can think there is a lot to cover, and users need to know each solution you provide for them. This might lead you to end up with long, detailed, and help-article-alike Guides.

Let's resist that urge! βœ‹

A Guide is meant to drive a specific behavior from your end-users. If it is brief and to the point, it can keep your users informed and engaged.

To succeed, try focusing on small bite-sized bits of education and limiting each tour to one micro objective.

Then, you will design the most straightforward, engaging, and shortest guided path that brings the user to that goal.

Why is Completion Rate Important?

Completion Rate shows the percentage of end-users who started and completed your Guide. It's an indicator of your Guide's performance.

Thorough but concise messaging keep your users informed but still engaged. Don't use 10 steps when 5 steps are just as effective.

Because anything more than 5 or 6 steps and you're likely overwhelming users, or they are failing to really internalize what you're teaching.

Important: Guides that are longer than 7 or 8 steps can have completion rates lower than 20%.

If you give too much information on any tour, your users will soon forget about them. Or, they get bored before the finish line and lose interest in the experience created.

To avoid that:

  • Make sure that information given has a new, immediate value.

  • Don't explain UI elements that are already easy to understand.

  • Show one at a time - give users time to act on and digest.

Tip: Keep an eye on any active guide's Step Analytics to check whether it has a particular step making people leave the tour. Then, change and shorten your Guide to that particular step number.

NEXT: Set an objective πŸ’―

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