Segmenting New & Existing Users

Provide relevant experiences for different lifecycle stages & monitor your users' progress.

Efehan avatar
Written by Efehan
Updated over a week ago


Providing tailor-made experiences to your end-users will increase their engagement, thus retention since you’ll only show relevant content.

In addition, with segmentation, your users will recognize the value they can get from your product more seamlessly compared to a standardized onboarding process.

Lifecycle Segments

The lifecycle segments let you show the relevant content to different user groups engaged with your product at different levels and monitor the real-time aggregation of users in different segments via the Users Page.

You can label this group of user segments differently depending on the level of service you provide. However, for the sake of simplicity, I’ll go with New & Existing Users.

💡 You may add different segments, such as Beginner Users, Regular Users & Champions, based on the acquaintance level of your users and provide a more sophisticated onboarding experience.

Creating Segments

Let's go over two different approaches to create user segments; based on the signup recency & acquaintance level.

Signup Date

You can segment your new & existing users by filtering users based on their signup dates to your platform. To achieve this, you need to send the “signupdate” property, as this article explains.

The rest is like running down a hill once you send the “signupdate” property to UserGuiding. Just filter users based on the “signupdate” property, name the Segments, and click Save.

Note: You can find more information on accepted date formats in this article. In this example, the date attribute is called “signupdatet”; however, you can use any naming.

User Engagement Level

An alternative to the “signupdate” Property is to use the Content attributes readily available on your Users Page.

Users can be segmented as “New” and “Existing” based on whether they completed a specific Guide or an initial onboarding checklist.

For example, if you created an onboarding checklist to take your new users to their first Aha! Moments, you can set a New Users segment by filtering your users as “Onboarding Checklist not completed.

You can change the condition for the same content property to “Onboarding Checklist completed” for existing users.

Once you create your segments, you can regularly monitor the number of users:

And set those segments to the unique onboarding content that contains only the relevant information for each user segment.

What metrics will this impact?

  • Trial to paid conversion rate since trial users will get to their first Aha! Moments in an effective way with a unique onboarding flow.

  • Feature adoption rates since you'll guide existing users to the overlooked parts of your platform.

  • Customer satisfaction (NPS) since different user groups will feel like you communicate in their language with personalized experiences.

  • Customer activation & retention rates since you'll provide your users the help they need at the right time and place.

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