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Custom Survey Trigger Settings
Custom Survey Trigger Settings

In this article, you will understand your Surveys' Auto and Custom Trigger options.

Ilgım avatar
Written by Ilgım
Updated over a week ago


You can manage the trigger settings of your Guides using the Auto-Trigger (on) or Custom Triggers (off) option under the Trigger section on the Survey Configure page.

Auto-Trigger (on)

The Survey will automatically start when the Auto-Trigger is activated as the visitor lands on the pre-set target URL.

When turned on, you can set the Appear Frequency using one of the options below. These conditions will only be applied if the current user is on the correct segment and targeted page.

  • Only Once: your Survey won't be displayed anymore once seen.

  • Once in a Session: your survey will be shown on each new browser session. A new session is defined when you access a website on a new browser tab/window.

  • Once in 1 Day: your Survey will be displayed only once a day.

  • Once in 7 Days: your Survey will be displayed only once a week.

  • Once in 30 Days: your Survey will be displayed only once a month.

  • Once in 90 Days: your Survey will be displayed only once every 90 Days.

  • Once in 180 Days: your Survey will be displayed only once every 180 Days.

  • Once in 360 Days: your Survey will be displayed only once every 360 Days.

  • Always: your Guide will always be displayed to your users.

Note: If you haven't enabled User Identification, and your users access your website through a different device, incognito mode, or clear their browser cache, they will be seen as new users. Thus, if you've set your Survey to be shown only once, these users will see it again.

Display Priority

While previewing multiple Surveys on the same page, they won't show up simultaneously, and their order of appearance is not predictable.

This option decides which auto-triggered material takes precedence when conflicts arise with multiple materials.

Stop Trigger

You can pre-define when you want the Survey to stop being displayed.

It can be after the user sees the Survey a certain amount of times, when they answer the Survey, or when a specific goal you have set is reached.

Auto-Trigger (off)

When Auto-Trigger is turned off, your Survey won't show up unless you trigger it with one of the methods found on the Custom Triggers button.

You can reach all the options you need for custom-triggering your surveys, namely the JavaScript API, Survey Hyperlink, and Other Available Triggers.

Say you'd like a Guide to show up once the visitor clicks on a specific CTA button. You could easily custom-trigger this Guide using the JavaScript API option.

Please visit this article for more information on custom guide-triggering using JS APIs.

Say you'd like a guide to be triggered with a hyperlink you provide for your end-users. All you need to do is copy the Survey Hyperlink and add it at the end of the URL you want to use. Then you will be able to trigger your surveys using this custom method.

Here you can find further information on Hyperlinks.

Lastly, on the Custom Trigger Options slider, you will see the Other Available Triggers, such as a Resource Center. This means that your surveys can also be activated within the Resource Centers.

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