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Enhancing Feature Engagement with In-App Surveys
Enhancing Feature Engagement with In-App Surveys

Learn how to deepen feature engagement through specific feedback.

Efehan avatar
Written by Efehan
Updated over a week ago


Maximizing user engagement with your product’s features is vital to both user retention and product development. In-app surveys provide immediate and contextual feedback from users while they are interacting with your product.


This guide is for Product Teams looking to deepen feature engagement and gather specific feedback from users within the app environment.

You can find more information on implementing UserGuiding Surveys in this article.

Developing the Feature Engagement Survey

  • Define the Feature Focus: Choose which feature you want to gather feedback on. This could be a new update or an existing feature you’re looking to improve.

  • Craft Targeted Questions: Develop questions that relate directly to the feature’s use, such as “How easy was it to use [feature] today?” or “What would make [feature] more useful for you?

Selectively Targeting the Survey

  • Identify Engaged Users: Use in-app behavior triggers to identify users who have interacted with the feature and deploy the survey to these users. You can easily send these attributes to UserGuiding and start segmenting your users according to their activity. Alternatively, if you already sent the user IDs of those users, you can upload a CSV file to create this segment. Once you are done with creating your segments, you can easily assign the correct segment to the Survey through the Configure tab.

  • Contextual Timing: If applicable, set the survey to trigger at a logical point within the user’s interaction with the feature, such as after completing a task using the feature.

Deploying the Survey

  • In-App Placement: Integrate the survey seamlessly within the app UI so that it feels like a natural part of the user’s journey. Set the Page Targeting rules to show the Survey only on relevant pages. You can also set the extra display conditions to show the Survey at a time when there's a higher chance of getting a response from your audience.

  • Minimize Disruption: Ensure the survey is short and non-intrusive to maintain a positive user experience.

It’s essential to balance this targeting with the user’s experience – ensure that surveys are presented in a non-disruptive manner, respecting the user’s journey and engagement on the platform.

Analyzing Feedback for Insights

  • Immediate Analysis: Take advantage of the real-time feedback to quickly identify any issues or areas for improvement.

  • Actionable Insights: Use open-ended responses to get detailed feedback and quantitative data to measure overall satisfaction.

Leveraging Feedback to Boost Engagement

  • Iterate Based on Feedback: Use the insights gathered to make immediate improvements or to plan for future updates. A sample use case here would be how we launched the Survey Logic after receiving many requests similar to this one: expand questions based on answers; "if yes then.... if no then..."

  • Engagement Monitoring: Track how changes to the feature affect user engagement metrics, such as time spent on the feature or frequency of use.


Utilizing in-app surveys allows Product Teams to engage users where it matters most: within the product itself. This direct line of communication ensures feedback is relevant and actionable, helping to enhance user engagement with your product’s features.

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